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Getting the Most Out of Your General Contractor

If you are thinking about hiring a general contractor, you should read my blog before you pick up the phone or send that email. I am not a general contractor myself, but I have just finished restoring my home. It was a big project that involved working with multiple contractors over an extended period of time. Although I am not a professional, I learnt an awful lot about how to get the most out of a team of contractors and how to keep a project on schedule and under budget. I also learnt a thing or two about the work they were carrying out.



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Getting the Most Out of Your General Contractor

Tips to Sprucing Up your Interior Brick Walls

by Kurt Lawson

One design trend taking Australian homes by storm is interior brick walls. Not only are bricks sturdy building materials, but you also can create a unique aesthetic to your living space depending on how you choose to finish the surface of the wall. Nonetheless, just because bricks are a durable material does not mean that they should be neglected. A little care and maintenance will go a long way in keeping your interior brick walls appealing. So what are some of the measures that you can take for the long-term benefit of your interior brick walls?

Gently clean the brick walls

Before you can make any aesthetic changes to your brick walls, it is best to clean their surface. However, do not be overzealous with cleaning the bricks, as the material is porous and can be susceptible to crumbling. Instead, mix some vinegar and water and use this solution as a cleaning agent to use on the walls. Industrial strength cleaners may work to remove stains, but they could also pose the risk of permanent damage to the brick. Before you clean the entire wall, test your water and vinegar solution on an inconspicuous section of the wall to determine whether it will have an adverse reaction on the surface. If the brick does not react, use a spray bottle to transfer the cleaning solution and a cotton towel to rub away the dirt gently.

Paint the walls

The great thing about brick is that they can be used to create visual interest in various ways. For instance, if you would like a rustic feel in your home, you could leave the brick walls unfinished to make a statement. On the other hand, if you would like the brick to match the colour scheme of your residence, you could opt to paint them. There are several styles that you could choose to have your brick wall painted in:

  • Whitewashed brick walls: This technique involves mixing a spot of white paint in copious amounts of water to create a whitish tint rather than a solid white pigment on your walls. The finished look appears as though your brick walls have become distressed over time, which still lends a rustic touch to the space without you having to contend with unfinished brick walls. Whitewashing is ideal for people who have a retro aesthetic in their home.
  • Staining brick walls: Just as with timber, you can opt to have your brick wall stained to give it a darker pigmentation. Staining is perfect for homeowners who would like to add a dramatic effect in their home and use their brick wall as a focal point in the room. Moreover, the older the property becomes, the darker the brick wall appears to be.
